Pilates: the best exercises for beginners

Posted in Blog, Fitness and tagged test, tag

Pilates has been trending for years, yet this holistic training method was developed at the beginning of the 20th century. What are its benefits, and what are the best exercises for beginners? At Holmes Place premium fitness clubs, you can learn Pilates in group classes and determine if it's the right fit for you.

What is Pilates?

The inventor of Pilates is the German physical trainer Joseph Hubertus Pilates (1883-1967). He was frail as a child and thus spent much time exploring movement. During a hospital stay in England, he began developing his own body training methods and experimenting with bedridden patients. This led to the creation of special equipment, which later evolved into today's "Reformer." He referred to his training as "Contrology" because it emphasizes muscle control and natural movement patterns.

Among the key concepts still central to every exercise are the "Powerhouse" or "Girdle of Strength" - Joseph H. Pilates referred to core strength. This is trained by engaging the abdominal, pelvic floor, and back muscles. Overall, Pilates consists of breathing, stretching, and strengthening exercises. Additionally, there are six principles:

1. Centering: Activating the "Powerhouse" at the beginning of each exercise.

2. Breathing: The rhythm of breath determines the pace of movement.

3. Control: Always ensure correct execution of the exercise.

4. Concentration/Attention: Focus on the muscles being worked.

5. Precision of movement: Quality over quantity is emphasized in Pilates. Correct execution of exercises is more important than repetitions.

6. Flow of movement: Pilates exercises are executed smoothly - dynamic yet without momentum. Each practitioner finds their own pace.

What are the benefits of Pilates?

Primarily, Pilates targets the deep muscles of the core, while also enhancing balance, flexibility, coordination, and body awareness. It improves posture, relaxes muscles in the shoulders and neck, and tones the body - bidding farewell to cellulite! Joseph Pilates summarized it aptly: "In 10 sessions you'll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you'll see the difference, and in 30 sessions you'll have a whole new body!"

If you prefer a gentler form of exercise, Pilates is a perfect choice. Although not high-intensity, the exercises are challenging. It's also effective for weight loss due to its low-impact nature, making it suitable for individuals with joint issues, seniors, and those returning to exercise after a hiatus. The risk of injury is low due to the absence of abrupt movements. However, it's advisable to start with a beginner Pilates course to ensure correct form.

Difference from Yoga

Pilates movements are slow, flowing, and controlled - similar to yoga. Breathing also plays a significant role. However, unlike yoga, Pilates lacks a spiritual component (though focusing on breath can be relaxing). Additionally, Pilates incorporates specific equipment and props like balls or rollers.

What should I consider?

Wait at least 90 minutes after eating before starting a Pilates session. If you have health concerns, consult your doctor first. Also, warm up before exercising with activities like knee circles, balance exercises, and the "Pearl Necklace" (lying on your back, roll your pelvis and spine up, vertebra by vertebra, then back down).

Pilates Exercises for Beginners

Here are some beginner-friendly exercises:

1. Hip Tonic (Hip Mobilization): Lie on your back with legs bent. Lift one leg off the floor to a right angle with the thigh, hold briefly, then slowly lower. Switch sides and repeat six times each.

2. Phoenix: Lie on your back. Lift one leg towards your shoulder, grasp the knee, and gently pull it towards you. The other leg remains extended. Return to the starting position and switch legs, repeating six times each.

3. Powerhouse: Lie on your back with legs bent, arms stretched alongside the body. Lift your arms about ten centimeters and make pumping movements. Then move your arms up and down. Repeat 20 times.

4. Lucky Star: Lie on your stomach with arms stretched forward. Lift your head while simultaneously raising your right arm and left leg away from your body. Lower and switch sides, repeating six times each. Perform the exercise very slowly!

5. Shoulder Beauty: This exercise can be done sitting or standing. Raise your arms in a half-circle above your head, interlace your fingers behind your head, lift your shoulders to your ears, then relax, pull your elbows slightly back, relax again, stretch your arms out, and lower them in a half-circle. Repeat six times.

There are countless beginner exercises. It's best to learn them in a beginner's course. Holmes Place fitness clubs offer group classes. Give it a try - you'll be amazed!

Posted in Blog, Fitness and tagged test, tag.