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Regeneration after sport

You love sports and would like to get fitter. Did you know that not only the training but also the breaks in between help you? In this article we explain why this is and what you should know about regeneration.

At Holmes Place Premium Fitness Clubs we support you in achieving your goals. You have the choice between training on the fully equipped gym floors and over 75 group courses. You can also relax: in the luxurious spas of the clubs.

Why is regeneration so important?

If you have trained intensively, your body has a lot of energy for muscle activity, body temperature regulation and metabolic processes. Tiny muscle tears can also occur during the workout - you feel this as sore muscles. In this situation, the body needs rest and allow the muscles, ligaments, bones, tendons and nerves to recover, to break down used metabolic products and to replenish energy reserves. Experts call this the "catabolic phase".

If you put on sports shoes again the very next day, he is missing this recovery time. Then it is less efficient. Not resting increases the risk of overtraining syndrome, which is associated with fatigue, lack of energy, reduced stress tolerance and lower performance.

In order to be able to perform properly again, you should give your body enough rest. This has even more advantages: The break not only increases performance up to the original level, but even beyond it. This is called "supercompensation".

How regeneration works

Immediately after your workout you should initiate a cool-down phase: walk very slowly for a few minutes and stretch your muscles. This is important to shut down the cardiovascular system and reduce muscle tension. The body can relax better this way.

Afterwards, a shower (ideally alternating between ice cold and warm), an ice bath or – for many people more pleasant – a visit to the sauna are helpful. Rule of thumb: Ice baths should last five to ten minutes and should be taken as soon as possible after the workout. The cold reduces blood circulation, the heat afterwards stimulates blood circulation in the muscles. You should, on the other hand, take a sauna a little later. Eight to 15 minutes per sauna session and a temperature that is not too high are ideal. Massages can also help - provided they are rather gentle.

You can also do something for your recovery with your diet. Your carbohydrate stores need to be replenished, preferably with complex carbohydrates. In addition, the body needs protein shortly after the workout. Drinking is just as important, because you have lost a lot of fluids during training - even if you drank something during the session.

Sleep supports recovery

When you sleep, your body is still a bit active. It repairs the tiny tissue damage, builds up the muscles and processes the training stimuli. Seven to eight hours of sleep a night is ideal.

Regenerate actively and passively.

Intensive sport is taboo, but exercise supports regeneration. Relaxation methods such as progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, yoga and Pilates are particularly helpful. These types of movements ensure that muscle tone is reduced. A relaxed bike ride, a light swim or a leisurely walk are also recommended, as they promote blood circulation in the muscles.

How long should I wait before the next sports session?

In general, the more intense the training, the longer the body needs to regenerate. There is a rule of thumb that resting 48 to 72 hours is recommended, but generally you should pay attention to how you feel. If after two days you still feel tired and your muscles are sore, you should wait with the next training session.

Tip: A good fitness watch can help you keep track of the training breaks you need to take. It collects a lot of fitness values and gives you hints when you can start again.It is even more effective to have the support of a personal trainer - the Holmes Place fitness clubs offer this service. After checking your physical and health condition, he will work out an individual training plan for you, which also includes the necessary break days. In this way, you can reach your training goals particularly quickly without overtaxing yourself.

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