Understanding and dealing with muscular imbalances

A muscle imbalance is an imbalance between a muscle (agonist) and its respective counterpart (antagonist). To understand the whole thing better, you have to look a little bit at the muscle structure of the body:

Muscle tissue in the body can be divided into three types: cardiac musculature, skeletal musculature (also called striated musculature) and smooth musculature (located in the organs). Muscular imbalance mainly affects the skeletal muscles, which - as the name suggests - are mainly located over the skeleton. These striated muscles consist of either red or white muscle fibers. The red fibers are better supplied with blood and are responsible for static movement. Compared to the white fibers, they hardly slacken at all. The white fibers, on the other hand, are responsible for the short, fast and motoric movements. Basically, a muscle does not work on its own, but always has a corresponding counterpart. Both are motorically connected to each other via the nervous system and as soon as the agonist executes a movement, the antagonist automatically takes over the opposite movement. Ideally, both muscles are developed to approximately the same degree, so that there is a balanced tension ratio.

We speak of a muscular imbalance when this is not the case and one of the two is significantly stronger than the other. In the case of muscles made of red fibers, as explained, there is already a certain basic tension. These tend then quickly to the fact that the basic tone of tension is permanently too high and it comes thus to a muscle shortening. The muscles with the white fibers have the property of reacting quickly but also of tiring correspondingly quickly. If they are not trained enough, they become slack relatively easily.

How does a muscular imbalance occur?

The causes for muscular imbalances can be manifold and often several factors play a role together. Basically, however, the following main causes can be identified:

Incorrect training:

Incorrect or one-sided training is one of the main causes of imbalance. Often - consciously or unconsciously - one muscle is trained separately and its counterpart is disregarded. Here it helps to reflect on one's training in more detail: When training the arms, are both the biceps and triceps equally promoted? Are both the inside and outside, as well as the front and back of the legs, being worked regularly? What about the abdomen and back? Following this scheme, you can review your entire plan and correct it if necessary. If you are unsure, you can always ask for professional advice. Our trainers at Holmes Place will be happy to help you create a well thought out and effective plan. Increasing the load too quickly and insufficient warm-up also promote imbalance.


Certain imbalances are also due to the body's anatomy, such as congenital misalignments of the spine, hips, etc. In this case, a sports physician or orthopedist should be involved.

Incorrect equipment:

Good footwear is essential, especially for endurance sports such as jogging. Poor posture while running can quickly lead to uneven strain on the muscles and resulting misalignment and pain. A good consultation in a specialty store is definitely worthwhile here.


If you are injured for a long time, the body automatically adopts a protective posture. This is often continued unconsciously even in a healthy state and must be specifically corrected. The automatic relief of certain muscles due to an injury and the resulting reduction in strength also trigger muscular imbalances. In both cases it helps to consult a physiotherapist. Our well-trained therapists at Holmes Place can assist you.


Who would have thought it, once again our modern lifestyle is responsible for physical problems. Too little exercise, too much sitting in poor posture, always a smartphone in your hands. This mainly leads to imbalances in the back, neck and shoulder muscles, but the rest of the body is also affected. It is important to incorporate enough exercise into your daily routine and counteract poor posture with targeted muscle training and stretching exercises.

What are the symptoms of imbalance?

The symptoms of muscular imbalance are rather unspecific. As always, it is advisable not to trust any self-diagnosis but to consult a doctor for confirmation. 

The following complaints may indicate an imbalance under certain circumstances:

  • optically visible bad posture such as a hunched back, hollow back, bow legs, pelvic obliquity or protruding shoulders and head
  • due to the increased pressure in the muscle and the resulting poor blood circulation: painful tension and stiffness
  • restricted mobility
  • tendon and mucous membrane inflammations
  • Excessive wear and tear of joint cartilage

How can imbalance be dealt with and prevented?

Provided there is no underlying pre-existing condition, muscular imbalance can be corrected with targeted training. On the one hand, this training consists of targeted muscle building of the part that is too weak and stretching of the muscle that is too strong. Increased movement in everyday life should also be part of the therapy. As already mentioned, care should always be taken to work all areas of a muscle group equally.

If one is practicing a sport that primarily stresses a particular muscle area, it is necessary to find an appropriate compensatory sport to restore the balance of stress.

To further loosen the muscles, one can use tools such as a fascia roller or trigger point massage. If you work at a desk, you should set up your workstation as ergonomically as possible. Ideally supported by a height-adjustable desk and an ergonomic office chair. 


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